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Womb to World Bath

Therapeutic Session for Baby and Mum 


Womb to World is a unique treatment reimagined and re adapted with my knowledge and experience with Women and Babies in mind as first and foremost. It originates from the famous baby thalasso : Bain de Sonia see more here:

In today's world more and more babies suffer from a traumatic birth (and/or pregnancy).

Women's experiences differ hugely however there is no doubt babies are affected by their mothers positive or challenging pregnancy and birth.


This particular treatment is suitable for newborn babies from 0-6 weeks sometimes longer if baby was born prematurely.


What happens during the treatment?

We will sit and talk about the pregnancy and birth for me to understand what has happened. I will try to find out more about baby, if baby had a bath already what was his/her response to it.

Baby will be swaddled and submerged in the water. Time in the water varies baby might cry a little bit to release some emotions this is quickly followed by deep relaxation and sleep. At the end of the bath baby will be massaged and will probably need a feed.


What are the benefits?


Baby feels warm and secure. Water is a familiar environment and reminds baby about amniotic fluid. Being swaddled ensures baby feels held and safe. Being held in a fetal position often helps babies release emotions that may be held in the body. 

But also it will :

*Reinforce attachment between mother and baby

*Deeply relax you and baby 

*Help with gas and reflux 

*Make you more confident about handling baby


I didn't have a traumatic pregnancy and/or birth can I/my baby still benefit?


Yes!!! This is a hugely beneficial treatment which often promotes bonding for you and your baby as well as helps baby to relax and feel in a familiar environment once more. 


How often do you recommend the treatments?


Weekly if possible


How long is the treatment?


I will most likely stay with you around 90 minutes


Fee: £150

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