Warming PasteAlongside belly binding you can double up and use a warming past postpartum to get you feeling good. The point of the warming paste is that it will physically warm up your abdominal area to help with the following:
- Increase blood flow to the area to help aid in muscle recover
- Help with toning
- Aid in tightening of loose skin
- Help rid of water retention that the body holds onto post baby
Ingredients:– Tumeric– Ginger– Cinnamon– Clove– Cumin– Cardamom– Kaffir lime or dried green lime or fresh lime juice (make sure lime is room temp) NOT INCLUDED– Warm Sesame Oil- Black pepper or Ginger essential oil
Instructions:– Add slightly less than 1 teaspoon of fresh lime juice– Mix 2 tablespoons of dry mixture with 3-4 tablespoons of warmed sesame oil until you have a thick paste– Gently clean and exfoliate the area to remove dead skin cells– Apply the paste to the abdomen and sides of waist. Apply thicker in desired areas. Do NOT apply to a cesarean incision until it is fully healed.
Everything is included except the Lime juice which has to be fresh.
The pack provides you with enough ingredients to make two applications of the warming paste
Warming belly binding paste